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Welcome Fran!
- Fran has a wonderful YouTube channel. She also works on the Dinosaur Den with former guest Bil Herd.
- Fran’s audio company called Frantone recently relaunched. This was after taking a break and briefly working for ElectroHarmonix.
- Chris recalls buying a pedal from “analog man“
- Fran sent Dave a board from the launch vehicle
- Fran also made multiple videos about the LVDC saturn. The boards used DTL logic.
- XKCD’s Up Goer Five is a great poster.
- Dave was talking about a Daisy wheel printer
- George RR Martin uses a DOS wordstar.
- Apollo DSKY display
- Archivists recently uncovered a private stash of stuff from Armstrong’s collection.
- The Smithsonian has a wide range of experimental and historical vehicles. Fran did a video tour a while back.
- The audio appearance of Mr T has been shown on Fran’s channel in the past:
- Lone inventors like Tesla, Philo Farnsworth,Edwin Armstrong (among others) were “lone inventors” but were on the shoulders of giants.
- Chris has been reading Tesla’s Colorado Springs notes.
- Fran asserts that Elon Musk is closer to Edison…a super effective administrator.
- Stephen Hawking is worried about the limit of human understanding. A combination of Woz/Musk/Hawking are worried about AI.
- The gun toting drone was…interesting…
- Frantone electronics are currently manufactured by Barefoot Electronics out of St Louis
- Fran also does textiles via the Contour Corsets brand.
- The 8038 analog generation chip
- Chris asks about the hybridization of pedals and is readily shut down by Fran and Dave.
- Instead it’d be better to generate a sine via a Wien bridge oscillator, like the original HP 200a.
Excellent show! That was a really great travel to nostalgia land, but I hope that Fran did not forget to hit the “Rec” button of her 8-track and save this episode as an alert for future generations! 🙂
I wish success on the Frantone reboot and great work you guys have been doing with the Dinosaur Den. I love old technologies.
Enjoyed this show and listen to it twice. Here are the schematics for Apollo AGC to port over KiCad
How about porting the Block II schematics instead? Remember, Block I AGC’s never went to the moon.
A copy of Block II information should be inside the Lunar Module when the crew transferred to Command Module on the return back to earth. The information should be fine until the sun starts swelling from the lack of hydrogen.
One nuclear electromagnetic pulse will spell the decline of the Western Civilization & its US Dollar banking system, as in one day the mighty USA will fall by EMP as foretold by prophecy. also NASA is not the same anymore, its more political nowadays. but yes Enjoyed this show future generations will remember this time.
Back up your information with punch tape/cards. Problem solved.
Great show! My favorite next to the one with Bil Herd. Old School!
Nevertheless, as a pilot I do not agree with the use oft he term „fly by wire“.
Fly by wire does not refer to the automation of flight in general but rather only to the type of connection between the control input (stick, horn..) and the control surfaces.
Oh man I enjoied this one. Did you guys just edit nearly an hour out?
As Long as the data that exist now on toady’s media is always converted into new formats on new media before current equipment goes away, there never shouldn’t be any pages of history missing in the future. I now to that in a way I dig through Walmart’s $5 music CD bin for duplicates of what in the past had on vinyl, 8 track or cassette tap. When available and affordable I will pay more for CDs of albums that particularity enjoyed. I recall Fran had/has some health issues great to see she is feeling well enough to do more. Although I’m sure her fans on her fashion side are disappointed she decided to five that up in favor of Frantone.
What’s the name of the comedian that makes the comparison between the yellow pages/phone-book and printing a part of the internet only to throw away?
Pete Holmes. Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8G_VAuEnk
that was funny, thanks for sharing the link.
Great episode. I’m totally with you, Chris, on the apathy regarding the supposed properties of audio based on subjective / anecdotal experiences.
ha, just watched another pete holmes monologue, needed that laugh.
For things like guitar pedals, going completely analog is great and is totally worth doing but once you get into stuff as complicated as synthesizers, trying to keep it all analog is just an attempt to impress the hipsters and get press coverage.
Dave Smith’s Prophet 12 is one of the most amazing synths ever and it’s very digital except for the filters “digital front end followed by an all analog signal path output”. That’s a great way of making a flexible instrument that still sounds good.
The new Dave Smith / Sequential Circuits Prophet 6 is not as interesting but since the parts that make the sounds are analog people have gotten all excited about it.
Dave himself thinks it’s funny that people have asked if everything in the Prophet 6 is analog, like you’d bother making the envelope generators analog on a synth with preset memory? 🙂
As for records. I’ve never like the sound that comes off records. You can actually hear the needle even when the turntable isn’t connected to anything and crackling doesn’t make it sound any better either.
I’d much rather have a digital recording.
I can see that completely analog amps will mess with the sound less so if you want to bother with that kind of stuff I can see where it’s worth doing.
semi auto handgun on a quad seems questionable, having a bit of experience with rc flying and guns. but its not new, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZCH1492CzA . dated early 2006.
Seldom do I leave comments but in my frustration it seems appropriate maybe only to me:? Please take no offence. I love Frans work, life and personal decisions, she’s an amazing person to ponder about whilst solder monkeying some brainless device. Please would you guys avoid saying “things like this” and “things like that” when not applicable. Normally I’m very good at editing out nervous tweaks such as a few weeks ago the awkward giggles of a guest. And I realise it’s infection into the American culture just as “Basically” and “Actually” did the rounds here in Pomme-land a few years back and thank cow it’s tailing off. But Dave’s now doing it!? Don’t even mention “like” (oops) #octothorpe_shewentthere
Hey I’m a snob with a problem. I thought this advice would help other newcomers (a.k.a not listened to every episode, 4realzies) latch on the this wonderful show. As Engineers we’re not always at the top of the culture tourettes list and therefore it’s hard to adjust to some of the verbal ticks out in the wild. I’m sure I have some myself.
Be well in your merry ways and have you no dry joints.
I am not a native english speaker and therefore don’t quite get your comment.
Basically all i understand is you seem to have a problem with the choice of words by the interviewers?
Could you please try to explain a little further (not kidding). I’d really like to understand your problem.
Your Stefan from Austria (not Australia…)
You’re not alone, I’m not really sure what was said in that comment other than, “Dave and Chris sounded different than normal and Nicx doesn’t like it”
The 8038 only contained 50+ transistors and a couple of hundred resistors and a few miscellaneous parts. That would be entirely feasible on a small double sided board. Have at it!
I’ve seen bigger circuits on breadboard assemblies!
Shoot, the datasheet INCLUDES the chip’s detailed schematic, INCLUDING the actual sine converter!
Just wanted to comment about when Fran talks about the situation caused by technology on our modern society.
I never actually heard someone speak that out so clearly, did help my thought process a lot, thanks for that, I must say I am a bit impressed by that and also the point about too big problems cannot be resolved by one person only, this is a really interesting point in our society, since whenever more persons trying to find solutions to big problems personal or monetary interests play way bigger roles than finding real solutions.
I think all of us secretly know, but sadly everyone is just living his own live enjoying it and not trying to think about our global impacts.
Great talk.
You mentioned small TTL boards made by transistors. I couldn’t find any information about it. Anyone have a link?
They were talking about the modules that were produced for the Saturn V rocket launch computer. You can see a tear-down that Dave did on EEVBlog 638. The computer is called the LVDC, launch vehicle digital computer. More on that here: http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/LVDC.html
Oh, I heard it wrong, I though that she had made some other project like that herself.