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Chris is back from his European adventure and Dave is buying a new space!
- Chris was at Electronica in Munich two weeks ago.
- The winner of the Hackaday Prize was announced at an event on the Thursday of that week. SatNOGS won the grand prize (a trip to space).
- Dave was up on the big screen because he announced his judging winners
[tube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFAVUcrltpg[/tube] - There are also videos for each prize entry: SatNOGS, RamanPi, PortableSDR, ChipWhisperer, Open Source Tricorder.
- The last day the show is a bit more deserted (compared to above).
- An example booth size from Maxim.
- Dave is buying a new space (hopefully). It will be a storage/workshop space.
- Chris met the people making the RasPi CommPlus who are from Austria (not Australia). It is in an interesting hard spot between industrial hardware, medium price and a crowded marketplace.
- The Mu Thermal team has finally said they will not be meeting their production target. Companies like Seek and Flir are doing sensor innovation, whereas Mu was dependent upon 3rd party sensor tech.
- The Planet Labs team is putting up their next set of “Doves” on a SpaceX rocket. Shaun was on the show previously and will be speaking at a TBA event in SF.
- The site that Chris has been working on (Parts.io) is now open to the public.
- Dave found a cache of popular electronics PDFs.
- We now have a Patreon account! Please support the show if you can.
Next week on the show we will have Colin Karpfinger from Punch Through Design (makers of the Light Blue Bean). Happy Thanksgiving to all US listeners!
Can only wear one shirt at a time?
Solution = Amp Hour hoodie!
Another AH shirt idea, courtesy of Dave:
Front “I’m going to finish my rant, damnit!”
Back “
Oops — the back is “end rant” markup… darn HTML.
Welcome to Europe Chris!
You seem puzzled about suits! Actually there were probably a lot of engineers in the lot.
Engineers here are cool too but they still wear suits when they represent their company at trade shows… It’s rarely the case at work, and it’s not even a dress code per say, but when we go meet (potential)° clients we feel we ought to look our best…
It felt weird to me too when I went to a trade show in the US and saw everyone in jeans and Tshirts!!!
Glad to here your back and good show.
I have one question Chris, and that is were was your mysterious wife during your junket?
For the true ‘junket’ the wife (partner) should have been able to go with you, all expenses paid. 🙂
Can’t edit the typos…
We discussed her coming to Austria the week after, but due to her dietary restrictions and lack of interest in visiting that part of the world, she said to go without her. I’m on the hook if there is ever a junket in Italy, France, the UK or Australia though 🙂
When are you gonna get Shahriar from the signal path as a guest for the show? Would look forward to here his stories. Since you talked about reuse old guest.
I prefer a monthly Patreon option – and where is the IGG campaing to fly Chris to Australia?
So Chris has been making a new website, eh? Too bad we didn’t learn anything about it besides the fact that registration is required. If only Dave could learn to STFU every once in a while and let Chris speak, the show would be much more enjoyable IMO.
Hang shit on your collegues at the first opportunity; it’s the fair dinkum, Aussie-country-footy-team way. Talking over them is expected. It’s not too late to grow up, you uncouth, little convict-heritage bastard.
What happened to the link to the Discovery Channel Charity? The mud crawl for cancer?
Also what was the unboxing youtube channel mentioned? Is that fore most subscribers? According to vidstatsx/statsheep still shows PewDiePie as #1.. although DC Toys Collector is up there!
BTW, as usual Chris makes snide passive-aggressive remarks and then laughs Dr.Hibbert style.. I liked last week’s show better.
That show was intense. I was so looking forward to cris talking about his experience in Germany (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEN5-_93gQg) but it was really not that much he had to say about it. Dave was like on steroids raging like a german instead. To bad 🙁
Seek Thermal _is_ FLIR 🙂 Flir bought some small innovative company in early 2000, Founders of that company left Flir immediately and started new company called Seek 🙂 They went into business with Raytheon(missiles and shit), got sued by Flir .. and raped the shit out of Flir in the courts (Flier tried to claim they own all ideas past present and future because they bough that company), that ended up with Flir settling the case and paying them a lot of money ($20mil?).
parts. register? LOL NO, fail. Chris do you really register for some random junk shit sites without checking them out? You open a site and all you see is a screenshot + REGISTER banner and you actually register? Well, I heard Google is coming out with second generation of Glass, you should preorder and send them money now 🙂
btw Light Blue Bean – not looking forward to that, looks like a bunch of hipsters doing typical bullshit IoT buzzword of the month startup, even their video clip has them boasting how they bro down at the beach bachelor house burning that sweet sweet VC money.
Ah Rasz, we take the good and the bad with you I suppose. Guess your ire landed on me today.
oh well.
number 10
Requiring registration has been a popular topic on hackernews, and the conclusion (with stats to back it up) is always the same – you make >90% of incoming traffic close your page immediately. Last 10% are sheep and people willing to pay for something :). This makes registration a great filter for paid services, but really bad one for free/ad supported ones.
Good link, thank you.
I’m going to write a post about our motivations, just for you 😉 I doubt it will quell the unrest (because you’re obviously not alone on this), but at least it will be public and not spoken in a flustered tone when I’m chatting with Dave 🙂
So much negativity in the comments for this show. Dave, Chris, please don’t change a thing. Thank you for sharing with us honestly rather than trying to please everyone by censoring yourself. The majority of us love you guys, these negative comments do not represent the rest of your listeners.
Thanks for sharing! BTW, regarding the RPi CommPlus, the hackaday article has some great clarifying comments by the (one of the) creators, who admits to having not explained it quite well enough. I found his explanation in the comments to describe the design as being quite interesting, but that’s just my opinion.
Thank you Chris and thank you Dave. Keep doing what you do and most importantly, Stay Fluxy!
I don’t use Indiegogo or have any affiliation with them but it’s tiring listening to you both continually slag them off all the time. They have some great real projects on there that have done well and apart from flexible funding (controversial but I can see some logic to it) I don’t see a lot of difference between them and kickstarter.
Skully Helmets have done pretty well on Indiegogo – https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/skully-ar-1-the-world-s-smartest-motorcycle-helmet $2.6M – this is a very real product.
I’ve been in the Valley for a month now – heading back to Australia tomorrow – I see lots of people using Indiegogo, kickstarter and all sorts of crowd-funding mechanisms…. there are great successes and also scams everywhere..
Re my previous comment – just wanted to clarify I love the show, the rudeness of Dave (we are not all like that in Australia btw!) and all the banter between Dave and Chris is a lot of fun and what makes the show quite endearing. The crowd-funding thing just grates on my nerves that’s all.
It’s understandable that we get tiresome on the IndieGoGo stuff and we even called out this time that it really is the only sizeable option for a good chunk of the planet. The tough part is that the IGG team continually ignores scam campaigns. It’s not that the people using it are automatically scams, it’s that the company itself refuses to insert themselves into campaigns, ostensibly because it means they could lose revenue.
Did you experience something like this? http://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmpHour/comments/13936d/why_are_technology_shows_so_damn_formal_einball/c71vjn8
I have to say that this time – I went with something formal as I represented a company – people have been a lot friendlier ..
Actually, I was thinking about your previous experience while I was there. I think the thing is that people use it as an indication of potential business partner vs the person being a student or a junior engineer. That’s likely why they were so snippy (or they were just an a-hole).