Dave and I missed our usual Monday/Tuesday recording so I thought I’d do a little “snow and tell” (ha!) to give an idea of the stuff I have to wade through on Monday afternoons in order to record for you, our lovely lovely listeners! Hey, I chose to live in Cleveland, so this is what I deserve, right? Well at least I get to experience what’s in the 2nd and 3rd picture, those are pretty fun. Enjoy!
This was the mess I had to blast through to get to up driveway.
Yes, folks, it’s true. People that like electronics also can like dogs (no offense to Darlington and Mosfet)
Chris has a dog that also likes being a snow demon.
Nice dogs Chris. Missed the show but these things will happen.
Better luck next week.
Not next week…tonight! We shall give it another shot!
Easy guys, your millions of listeners will wait 🙂
(completelly offtopic as it is talking about pets)
YEAH! not all electronic guys and girls love cats, but the funny names are great: my dogs where named after whatever stuff was on TV at the time: Scott (the toilet paper) and Wilson (the balls, and Castaway), maybe there is room for a Emitter and a Collector, SOIC, TRIAC and Relay doesn’t sound bad either.
Also, speaking of Obsolescence Engineers, there is another picture of an ATtiny13 trying too hard to be another chip: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WmnxC9Kk9uaISr0iXvywdD3XgjRK5SNlqtebYuopHdE?feat=directlink