Listener and WotW alum Jaime (@jpwack) wanted a poster to put up on his friend’s bench. The friend was…how to say it…analog-averse? Here’s the Widlar shot from Paul Rako’s blog with a famous Widlar quote. Jaime also added some good info for context once people walk by and are curious as to why they’re seeing someone flip the bird.
Click on the image for the full resolution poster.
And an even HIGHER resolution one, based on a file sent from Paul Rako (and with a few updates to the parts designed, as corrected by Bob Pease).
Chris another article for you about wildar… this one from Bob Pease
Maybe someone could design a t-shirt with this phrase. Something similar to Bruce Schneier t-shirt.
Consider it possibly done.
It could be a series of posters/tshirts, all within the Public Domain and with no credits.
Lol, if you now Google ‘Bob Widlar’ and go to images, guess what shows up in the first few results…
I made a cutout for everyone interested.