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Bruce Simpson from the Xjet Youtube channel joins Dave to discuss RC aircraft and creating an international incident by developing a DIY cruise missle!
He runs the world’s longest running blog website!
He’s on Twitter
- Pulsejet vs Xjet technology
- A visit from the New Zealand intelligence agency
- V1 vs V2 German missle technology
- Using electrostatic gradient and thermal grading for maintaining altitude
- Tricopters
- What keeps a quadcopter in the air?
- CAA in NZ trying to shut him down and regulation red tape
- DJI drones and Geofencing
- DJI firmware bricking
- Tradeoff of rotor numbers. Octocopters vs Hex vs Quad
- Shrouded blades and the Coanda effect
- Beating Betz’s Law
- The futility of hydrogen powered cars
- The absurdity of magnetic fuel savers, 5G USB shields and other scams
- FPV vs Line of Sight flying
- Video transmission technology and bandwidth
- Model jet turbine engines vs full scale
- Parkinson’s disease and management strategies
Good one Dave, Chris just needs to get you to take part in the other interviews again.
The three way interviews don’t work all that well, that’s why we stopped doing them.
I call BS Dave….
It worked well for years, and only recently 90% of interviews are with Chris only (what I personally dislike, and stopped listening to most of interviews…)
You and Chris balance each other great during interview. Usually one of you two have some idea what the guest is talking about, or get to ask a good question.
So it’s not just constant nodding and “mhms” if the topic is something unfamiliar.
I’ve been waiting for this episode for a long time now and it was worth it. I could listen to Bruce go on about his various exploits for hours. He didn’t even get into the passive sense and avoid system he had been working on. Or his collaborations with Colin Furze. You should have him on again!
Interesting bit of history that’s related to pulse jet technology. https://www.amazon.com/Stealing-Speed-Biggest-Scandal-Motorsport/dp/1844259757
mantap articlenya..titip salam sama ibu nya.
Some time ago the rocket club im in wanted to film a rocket engine test with one of the older dji drones.
The place we test at (a DLR facility) is next to military airport however.
It was kind of a suprise that getting the permission to fly was the easier part…
Even with the required permissions and all, due to the basically non-existant mobile internet on site, it was borderline impossible to get the thing up.
Turns out the app needs internet connection for the custom unlock %’$§&%$)(§
Really should just put the GoPro on a pole next time…
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