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This week it’s back to just Dave and Chris…almost feels weird without more people! We’ll get more guests on soon.
- Dave is in his studio with freshly made acoustic panels!
- Throughout the week, Chris has been mistaking BAMF to mean “Badass MotherF*#$%@!” ย when in fact they’ve been talking about the Bay Area Maker Faire. Whoops!
- The Hamvention also happened in Dayton. If you know of local electronic “Flea Markets” be sure to let us know in the comments!
- The IEEE Spectrum had a special issue out about robots, it was a great read!
- A full size personal robot? It might be cheap and a game changer, but still looks like an air filter. It reminds Dave of the Omnibot from the 1980’s
- Whatever happened to BattleBots? New competition is RoboGames, with many of the same elements. Good for getting kids excited/involved!
- How many Multimeters does one man/woman need? Excavatoree from the EEVforum shows off his collection! (and has another 88 meters that aren’t shown!)
- The Maximite is a new board with a single PIC chip that has a BASIC interpreter for beginner projects.
- Maker of the BASIC STAMP, Parallax, is now selling their Propeller chip by itself. And from the looks of it, they have LOTS of stock.
- The Touchstone Semi contest mentioned in episode 42 of The Amp Hour have revised their contest rules. They aren’t using the OSHW license unfortunately.
- Corporate lawyers? As bad as corporate finance perhaps?
- Intel announced that there are multiple phones being released in 2012 with Intel embedded chipsets. They recognize the market but aren’t dominating like they do in PCs.
- Google is moving into the car business and wants to be able to have computers drive cars in Nevada!
- Maxim recently(?) changed their slogan to “Innovation Delivered”. The second part is what they’re not known for historically. What perceptions do you have of chip companies??
- Our forgotten shoutout for the week, (Maker)Dino is up to his 8th HackAWeek episode! Great job!
- Dave’s continuing his trend of calling people out for bogus numbers! Getup.org in Australia didn’t do their research!
- Chip of the Week: The LT3080, a great “toolbelt” part that allows you to make programmable current or voltage sources quite easily.
As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode and anything we might have missed! Thanks! ย PS. To be clear, no puppies were hurt in the taping of tonight’s episode.
Thanks for the shout out guys! This was a great show! Two EEs talkin shit, joking, laughing, poking fun like a couple of nerds. YES!! This is the kind of show I like!! ๐
Best quote: Dave – “Would you like a penis enlargement? ”
… now to send out that invoice. ๐
What a coincidence – my Maximite kit arrived today. Looking forward to working with it soon. The creator’s web page is here: http://geoffg.net/maximite.html
Hoarders and collectors: this is why we can’t find decent surplus places in Oz. Pianos huh?
The Intel – Microsoft relationship seems to have been strained recently with Microsoft talking about versions of windows running on ARM. Is Intel trying to keep Microsoft on side with mobile offerings with some x86 compatibility?
LT3080 looks handy and verstaile but you’re right, it’s a little expensive.
I wouldn’t worry about topics that get people riled up. I think last week had the most comments since the show started.
Concerning ham radio events, the thing to search for is “Radio Rally”. From spring to autumn here in the UK, there are usually these sort of events most weekends. these are mostly flea-markets rather than active radio use. Having said that, a lot of them got turned into computer events, which is inevitable but nevertheless sad. Some of these new-comer “open source” Arduino type “Makers” should visit one and see that the stuff they think is new has really been going on for decades. UK people look here: http://www.rsgb.org/events/ US people look here: http://www.arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar (just click SEARCH). Aussies look here: http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/events/
Hey guys,
AFAIK Elektor also has a in house development department.
That’s not completely correct… it’s in a castle in the Netherlands! And they have their own lab.
Speaking of robotics programs, @geekygirlau posted a link to this: http://www.robogals.org.au/
I’d be interested in Robowars if it was A.I. instead of R.C.
The robot looks like the one from Rocky III or IV.
chris and dave, not sure if you guys new this but Mythbuster’s Grant Imahara was on the Battle Bots show all the time!!!
The biggest flea market in the Netherlands is in Rosmalen, its every year in March
I live near a neat “flea market”/surplus store called The Reuseum it is in Boise, Idaho. They have a website with an online store at http://www.reuseum.com and always have neat stuff and just expanded. I am not sure how many people that live in the area listen to the show, but if they do and have not heard of it they should go.
Correction it is in Garden city, Idaho but it is just a suburb of Boise for all intent and purposes.
Now I knew two Blokes with multimeter fetish, Dave Jones and Excavatoree.
Do you guys Crack a fat on the sight of a multimeter?? : )
Chris, The theme song is awesome.
Also why is are Dave’s fishes on the left panel up side down ?
They are European fishes, all the rest are Aussie fishes of course!
The fishes so alternate on the pattern itself.
Never been there – I live in CA, and go to the San Jose and Los Angles surplus stores that you guys have already mentioned – but I hear that the Mit Flea Market is good… http://www.mitflea.com/
This Saturday is the monthly W6TRW swap meet in Los Angeles (Redondo Beach to be specific). One of the best electronics swap meets around, held monthly since sometime in the 1960’s !
Dave: “(…) the Apocalypse.”
Chris: “Speaking of bif companies…”
Also, computers in cars, Microsoft’s car would probably feature Clippy: “I see you’re driving a sports car. Would you like a penis enlargement?”
Oops, “biG” companies of course ๐
Still waiting for Chris to post piano pics….. actually no im not :-p
Hey Dave, I have a solar install, i signed up for the normal rate of payback on my panels (18c). When they upped the rate to 3 times (60c), 6 months later I knew this would cause the death of home solar in australia. They made it clear that the rebate program would only last as long as the money in the budget remained. So they wasted it and the program finsihed early. I won’t be signing up to the class action. I was only promised a normal rate and am happy with that.