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- Standing out during a first impression is the best way to get to the interview.
- Chris was at a job fair at MIT where he met someone (Matt) that he interviewed and then saw again recently at the Hackaday Boston event. Matt had a machine that could output code onto tape and Chris printed, “The amp hour rocks”
- The Hackaday Prize is due in a few days…get your entry in! Last year’s winner (SatNOGS) took the money and started a non-profit.
- Former regular guest of the show Michael Ossmann designed the badge for CCCamp this year, the Rad1o.
- There was a cool badge at the Open Hardware Summit a few years back designed by Wyolum. This year’s OHS will have a badge by Parallax.
- Dave will be at the Sydney Maker Faire this coming weekend.
- How do you find out about new parts?
- The Digikey product index started calling out the “new” parts (not sure on the timeline).
- Chris used to watch the datasheet.com RSS feed for ChipReport.tv.
- The /r/nicechips subreddit can be a source of new components to explore.
- Karl and Cory do “Part of the Podcast” over on The Sparkgap podcast.
- COTW! The TPS65982 is a power management chip for USB 3.0. Dave is considering putting this on the uSupply project.
- Chris and Dave are both pumped about The Martian moving coming out. Chris also recommends Ready Player One, which is another nerdy Sci Fi movie. Apparently Speilburg (who is directing) is trying to get Gene Wilder out of retirement to play one of the characters.
- Dave is interested by the recharge road. This will be different than Qi charging, used by more and more consumer level devices.
- Other interesting stories:
Thanks to Ford Buchanan for the shot of the Gonzo figurine.
wow, you missed “Octopart (YC W07) is Joining Altium”
Altium now directly competes with SupplyFrame? 😮
We recorded on Weds, that was announced on Thursday.
I’m the unemployed electronics graduate from the listener survey. I can now report that I have since accepted a full time graduate position. It’s in R&D and will include some travel to install and test equipment around Australia (At up to 100M above ground). Can’t wait to start… Have to move to Sydney now though…
Congrats on the new gig! And happy house hunting 😉
Enjoyed the timely information about job hunting. I have used Youtube to show off to future prospective employers. At least it should help with interview practicing.
Dave completely missed the Spaceballs reference at the end! Thanks for the chuckle!!!
I was listening the show in the car while driving to job interview. Did get the job. Not because of you but.
A tip about using USB C for the uCurrent. The 100W level (60W and up) is only available when using “active cables”. Circuitry in the cable “certifies” that the it can handle currents 3A and up. Just something to be aware of. The TPS65982 seems to manage this.
I think this has been poorly explained in the initial release and people will be confused when certain cables don’t perform as expected.
Hi Guys live the show.
On the subject of searching for the latest products I tend to use mouser (UK) they list there newest products by week added. The most useless one I find is Farnell/element14 just a great big page of icons that doesn’t seem to be updated very often. Also just hitting your favourite manufacturers website from time to time and see what they are singing about 🙂
One small correction:
The rad1obadge was not directly designed by Michael Ossmann. It is based on his open source design of the HackRF, but it was designed by a team from the local “subdivison” (every bigger city in Germany has one) of the CCC in Munich: the muCCC.
Yes, sorry about that. Mike was on the show this week (#265) and he gives proper attribution.